Ruby’s Builder Inc. has been an active subcontractor for various industrial projects. Our experience in concrete and masonry construction has contributed to satisfied customers. Contractors enjoy awarding scope of work to us because they acknowledge the quality service they are receiving. We value honesty, reliability, and professionalism. Our subcontractor services include:

-Cold Storage Concrete (Insulated slabs with reinforced sub and topping slabs, nonshrink grouting post plates/machine plates, Forklift bumper curbs, loading docks, etc.)

-New Cold storage infrustructure. Remodeling existing warehouses into cold storages.

-Foundations and slabs for new industrial structures

-Freezer flatwork maintenance (expansion joint caulking infill, removing & replacing spalled concrete/damaged concrete)

-Reinforced Concrete Masonry walls

Pacoima Food Processing Warehouse Remodel

Foundations and Slabs for New Industrial Structures

Warehouse addition

Cold storage forklift ramp.

Freezer Flatwork Maintenance